Premarital Counseling Services

When you’re considering marriage, it’s important to discuss your vision of the future to ensure that you both want the same things. Premarital counseling might not be on the top of the list because therapy is neither fun nor romantic. But it can set your marriage up to succeed and survive long-term, despite the odds.

Our session can help you, and your significant other improve your relationship by helping you develop better communication skills, learn conflict management, uncover your shared core values, and identify differences that could create future conflict. Working with a therapist, you can discuss expectations with your partner that will help better prepare both of you for marriage.

So if these sound like you:

  • You and your partner have disagreements that don’t get resolved
  • You feel like you’re over compromising to keep the peace
  • You’re unsure about your partner’s financial situation 
  • You’re worried about sex and intimacy after marriage
  • You want to discuss religious beliefs and traditions 

… Then, premarital counseling can be a great benefit to both you and your partner.

If you are looking for a premarital counseling therapist in California or a Marriage and family therapy specialist for hire, please contact us today to schedule an appointment. We have the best MFT therapist in Los Angeles.

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