Post traumatic stress disorder – also known as PTSD – is a common mental health challenge where a traumatic experience or event, causes an exaggerated amount of emotional distress. Theres experiences could be a visual one or an emotional one or both. 

What are the Symptoms of PTSD?

People with PTSD often experience intense thoughts and feelings related to their traumatic experiences. Some experience symptoms of anxiety, like sudden heart palpitation or excessive sweating and yet, others may have flashbacks and nightmares.

It is important to note that PTSD is another form of anxiety and it can often intensify feelings of fear, anger, sadness and a detachment from friends, family. Avoiding situations, or places could be by products of PTSD. For some, being sensitive to certain sounds or accidental touch in a crowd may cause a strong and uncontrollable reaction.

How Can Treatment Help?

There are a variety of treatments that can be used to treat PTSD. However, there are two specific techniques that are consistently gaining research-based evidence of their effectiveness in successfully treating PTSD.

  • EMDR – EMDR stands for eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. This technique uses bilateral sensory input such as side-to-side eye movements to stimulate the brain to process difficult thoughts, memories and emotions.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) – CBT is a form of talk therapy that focuses on how thoughts, feelings and behaviors are related to one another. The goal of a CBT therapist is to help a client with PTSD return to a place of hope with a greater sense of being in control of their thoughts and behaviors.

Over the years, I have seen my clients overcome their traumatic experiences and learn coping mechanisms that helped them overcome their anxiety. So, if you or a loved one suffer from PTSD, I want to offer the help you need to enjoy life again. At Next Step Counseling, I provide PTSD therapy services in Los Angeles, California.

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